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[GLC]ZA and [GLC]DzikuPL vs [Trafalgar]yunes and [Comunista]FidelCastro Haida and Hurons vs Inca and Spain
Normal game 3v3! a lot a lot of red Aztecs)))
Good 2v2 and 3v3 million games.
verry lol game and lol coments in game chat normal 2v2, real 2v1 yunes, REIGN vs Sniper[FB] and FidelCastro - Pueblos. Sioux vs Sioux and Britain All game Fidel defence and no have coal(carbon(black resource))lol
In first game is 3v3. Very tough game. It is 2h long and not finished, but very good! Second is 2v2. Good game.
3v3 game. Guron, Hawkind, CheGuevara vs Croquet, yann, [sambbaa]. Good game
"New Year" tournament. For 3rd place. Law vs Rasim; Result 3:0.
"New Year" tournament. Big Final. DrHorse vs Warrior; Result 3:0.
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