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Main » 2010 » December » 29 » Interview with Mihael, previous tournament Champion
Interview with Mihael, previous tournament Champion

Today's Interview with best player on the server American Conquest:Fight Back and previous tournament champion Mihael aka Warrior.
I - Hawkind
M - Mihael

I:Hello, Mihael. I would like to ask some questions.
M:Hello! Sure smile

I:How are you today?
M:I feel good and u?

I: Good too smile What do you think about FBL?
M:It is a good opportunity for people. I think the tournament is a nice thing. It can save Fight Back!

I: We hope so! Would you like to change something in tournament's organisation?
M: I think it's ok... good idea of the different rounds... I think the tournament shouldn't have so many players, maximum 32, because it's difficult to have all players ready for the games. Instead i like the idea of the "virtual points" given by the position in the tournament.

I: I hope all players agree with this system of giving points, because with real points on server are problems sad Are you ready enough to defend the 1st place?
M: ahahah... I'm always ready biggrin

I: Wonderful! biggrin Who do you think will win first place in New Year tournament?
M: A rethorical question)) ME!!! but also ruka can be a good challenger, if he will play. So it will be interesting.

I: I think he will play smile In the previous tournament you won all matches with 2:0 score, in other words, you don't know what is defeat yet. In which component of play, do you think, you are better than others?
M: I think, I am faster... and maybe I can see things that other can't... like how i can defend a position or how it would be better to attack. The first game with Rasim i played a blitz krieg with spain... while in the second with russia, I moved my troops in better way to kill one.

I: It is very important for good AC player! Who is the biggest threat for you in the next tournament?
M: I think [RUKA]Horse and Crown as second... Horse is better, because he knows how to move troops. Crown makes a lot of soldiers because he is fast, but he can't move troops, as he showed with Rasim. He had more french cavalery, but he didn't win. I have suspect) He didn't want to play the final against me biggrin

I: Yes, I thought that Crown will win in this game. But Guron also was hard to defeat. The result was 2:1. As you are the best at the moment, could you tell us your story how do you achieved this outstanding level of play?
M: biggrin I started in september 2007 and as all know i was a great nooooob... ahaha... My second game was in january 2008. At the biginning i had won( this is my first account ) 7 games of 53. I remember it, because i was quiet sad when i see it. Then i improved by playing 292929...many games, but i have to say thanks to Alloy))I played a lot of games with him. I lost 10101... many games with him, but i learnt. Thanks to him.

I:Ohh... Did not knew it smile What you wanted to wish to other players?
M: To enjoy in the tournament and to do their best to make me enjoy biggrin and do not leave me wait too long... ahaha...

I: I hope that I will participate in tournament too :)
M: I hope too smile You would be an another interesting challenger.
I: I hope so :)
M: Do not worry smile

I:Thank you for the Interview! ;)
M: No problem. You are welcome! Thanks to you too.


Category: Interviews | Views: 1175 | Added by: Hawkind
Total comments: 2
1 Rasim  
I think SebdaWarrior would win the Christmass tournament biggrin

2 Hawkind  
Who guess... It could be unpredictable tournament smile We will see in future.

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